We understand that finding a reliable fence contractor is challenging, not to mention all the scams and fraudulent contracting going around Florida all the time. It’s a dog eat dog world out there.

Customized Fences for Floridian Environments
Customized fences for Floridian environments are one of the most important items at a home site. It serves to compliment the look of your home, protect you from dangerous animals or intruders, guard from harsh weathering, increase property value, and also gives your home better structure. It’s important that you research your next fence contractor to make sure they are licensed, backed by positive testimonials, and have a good reputation. Don’t get sucked into an overpriced fence installation service. Make sure you know who is constructing your new addition to your home, for it will be beneficial in the long run. Whether you’re looking for aluminum fences, composite fences, pvc fences, or magnetic gate latches, All Fencing and Repair takes pride in delivering and installing all major types of fences and gates. We are a licensed fence contractor company offering Palm Beach the best possible fence and gate installation in all of South Florida and we guarantee to match or beat our main competitors, as long as we are comparing the same materials.
Call 954-605-6236 for all your Fence, Gate Installation and Repair in South Florida.
About us:
All Fencing and Repair has been in the business of installing commercial, industrial and residential high quality fences throughout South Florida since 1997.
Our fence company provides full fence design and installation services on aluminum fences and gates, chain link fences and gates, wood fences and gates, PVC fences and gates and ornamental/iron fences and gates.
For more information regarding gate and fence installation services in South Florida, contact us at
All Fencing & Repair: 954-605-6236